Matching quality parts
Technik’a will only supply parts that are certified as being of equivalent quality to the original parts.
What does that mean?
Parts that match the quality of the original are not OEM parts but they are approved as complying with the quality requirements set by the manufacturers.
“Matching quality parts […] are of the same – or even higher – quality [than the original], but may be produced using different materials or different colours.” Source (translated):, a website providing information on the use of spare parts with regard to European regulations.
Therefore, if you opt for Technik’a for your repairs, you can be completely sure that you will retain your manufacturer’s guarantee and ensure full safety.
Quality tests
However, Technik’a looks beyond these certifications to bring you maximum safety and performance. How? By asking independent laboratories to run tests to compare Technik’a parts with those from competitors.
For example, Technik’a called on UTAC, an independent organisation , to compare the performances of Technik’a brake lining to an original manufacturer’s equivalent. The Technik’a lining proved to be excellent value for money because the laboratory tests demonstrated that the stopping distance was shorter during emergency braking, braking performance was similar at high speeds and during successive braking operations, and brake disc deterioration was relatively limited. The Technik’a brake lining is clearly as good as the big brands (full test available on