Our partners

Our main partners are the 3,000 independent workshops that place their trust in us day after day.

We also have a number of corporate partners :


Flauraud is a major player on the European automotive accessory and equipment market and endeavours to provide the best possible service to car, HGV, industry and building sector repair agents. It is active in two areas of business:

– professional spare parts sales for cars, HGVs, industrial and building equipment (under the Flauraud name)

– design, manufacture and sale of automotive accessories (Aurilis)

To find out more, visit www.flauraud.fr


 Mecasystems : Flauraud’s online catalogue.

Mecasystems uses the Tecdoc database, which is updated daily with information from parts suppliers, manufacturers and our data from the field.

Mecasystems also integrates the Autodata information systems that cover technical data for passenger cars and light-duty trucks. You are therefore guaranteed access to a comprehensive service for repairs, servicing and diagnostics. In addition, you can import the parts required for the service selected in your quote and your order basket.

Mecasystems has been carefully designed to be as user-friendly as possible for hassle-free browsing and searches.


In France, the Club Auto Conseil network brings together automotive repair professionals committed to continuous improvement and transparency. Their goal is to offer drivers the best service at competitive prices. www.clubautoconseil.com